One-minute read.

Rejoice in forgiveness.
Becoming upright in heart means receiving God’s forgiveness. Whatever sins lie in your past, the Lord forgives when you lay them at the foot of the cross. We can let go of our old ways and begin anew. Changed behavior reveals an upright heart and relays a profound apology.
Nothing reveals my sinful nature more than becoming one with another person in marriage. Maintaining a healthy relationship requires changes in behavior, not just an apology. When Ron feels I don’t appreciate him, I must evaluate what I’m doing and then change my behavior. Saying “please” and “thank you” helps me remember all he does for me and appreciate him. But he can quickly feel taken for granted if I don’t say the words.
In the same way, when we confess our sins to the Lord, we can rejoice at the opportunity to change our ways and become more like Christ. Instead of continuing down a sinful path, we course correct and follow Jesus, doing what He would do. The closer we follow Christ, the more upright our hearts become, giving us plenty of reasons to rejoice and thank our Savior.
Shout for joy as you receive the Lord’s forgiveness. Each day, we become more like Christ, putting away our old selves and cloaking ourselves in Jesus’ love.
Lord, thank You for forgiving us. Help us become more like Christ as we change our ways and do what Jesus did. Let us overcome the desires of the flesh as we apply Your word to our lives, allowing it to transform us into new people. Hear our shouts of joy as our hearts become upright and our lives reflect Jesus more and more each day. IJNIP. Amen