One-minute read.

Steadfast love.
Surrounded by God’s love, we can rely on the Lord to protect us from life’s storms. During gusting winds, His protection keeps them at bay. We can always turn to the Lord at any hour, and He will answer our cries. But those who deny God’s existence can’t experience His presence or protection. Without belief, we can’t find what Jesus offers. Sorrows abound for those who live life without Christ.
Without hope, sorrows abound. Jesus gives us hope that today’s troubles won’t last because His death on the cross overcame them. We find the hope of victory and the strength to persevere with Christ.
“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
If you don’t believe in Jesus, you have no hope. The troubles that ail unbelievers overwhelm them because they can’t see any way out. But for Christ’s followers, He shows us how to overcome today’s problems because we hope for a better tomorrow. In the light of eternity, the issues of today pale, and mountains become molehills as we focus our eyes on Jesus and trust in Him.
Lord, thank You for giving us hope through Jesus. Praise You for overcoming the troubles of this world and giving us peace. As we face today’s mountains, help them become molehills as we focus on Your promises. Let the promise of eternity remind us that the troubles of this world will pass, and one day, we will live in heaven with You. IJNIP. Amen