One-minute read.

Bits and Bridles
Horses and mules have bits and bridles that keep them in check; the Lord uses other things for us. Paul had his issues:
“So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited.” 2 Corinthians 12:7
Paul doesn’t tell us the identity of the thorn in his flesh, but he does share with us what it prevented: egotism. Receiving revelations from God can swell anyone’s head, making them think highly of themselves. But the Lord knows how to keep us in check. When an alcoholic man asked his pastor why God didn’t take away his desire to drink, the minister responded with a question.
“What do you do when you want a drink?”
“Get down on my knees and pray.”
“Would you pray as much if you didn’t have the desire to drink?”
Each of us has some thorn in our side, the thing we talk to God about the most. If we didn’t have the problem, would we spend so much time in conversation with the Lord? My blood likes to clot. After two blood clots, I will now take blood thinners for the rest of my life. I spend much time talking to God about my blood, discovering His grace and a heightened closeness to the Lord. My thorn in the flesh keeps me tightly connected to my Maker.
Think about your thorn. Ponder how it brings you closer to God. Would you talk to Him as much if you didn’t have it?
Lord, thank You for keeping us in check. Thank You for the problems that draw us into a closer relationship with You. Help us accept our limitations and trust You to make the impossible possible. Fill our hearts with Your Spirit, hold us close in Your hand, and help us become the best version of ourselves. IJNIP. Amen