One-minute read.

Wise living.
Shifting from encouraging God’s protection when we seek Him, the Psalmist now quotes the Lord’s promises of instruction. The Bible provides an instruction manual for life, from handling finances, having healthy relationships and bodies, and living abundantly. Following Jesus helps us find and fulfill our purpose, giving our lives meaning. By seeking the Lord’s counsel, we will find it.
God reveals eighty percent of His will through scripture. The Ten Commandments give us guidance on loving Him and others. Applying them to our lives will help us fulfill God’s greatest commandment.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31
Jesus gave us the greatest commandment: love God and others. Following Him will help us do it. As we get to know Christ, invite Him into our lives, and learn about Him through scripture, we will become better lovers. Jesus teaches us how to forgive and pray for people. He shows us how to encourage people and help them become their best version. Christ helps us become more like Him every day we follow Him.
If you want direction for life, look no further than the Bible. In it, you will find all you need to live life to the fullest.
Lord, thank You for Your instruction manual. As we open the Bible and begin looking for direction, open our eyes to see and hear what You have for us. Show us how to apply Your word to our lives, helping us live abundantly in Christ. In all things, we give You the glory. IJNIP. Amen