One minute read.

“The next day the large crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!'”
John 12:12-13
On the first Passover, the Israelites chose a perfect lamb without blemish and sacrificed it to the Lord per His instructions. Slaves in Egypt, Pharoah continually refused Moses’ requests to let his people go. On the 10th and final plague, God pledged to kill the firstborn sons and livestock, wiping out an entire generation. The Israelites sacrificed and ate the lamb, placing the blood on the doorposts of their home. That way, when the angel of the Lord passed over their homes, He didn’t take their firstborn sons, only those of the Egyptians who followed Pharaoh.
God’s firstborn and only Son, without blemish, sacrificed His life for us. On this special Sabbath, remember the Lord’s provision for our sins. Unlike the Egyptians, who followed their leader to death, we follow our Savior to life eternal. We find grace and mercy, forgiveness of sins, and guidance to live divinely in Him. Jesus, our Savior, gave His life so we could have ours in abundance. Reflect on His supreme sacrifice, the Lamb that saved us all. In Him, we live.