Two-minute read.

“The Ninevites believed God. A fast was proclaimed, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth.”
Jonah 3:5
Supreme God.
Jonah, a prophet of the Lord, tells Ninevah they will perish in forty days. Believing the prophet, the Ninevites dawn cloth made from goat hair, the coarsest of fabrics, typically worn by the poor, prisoners, and slaves, as a standard of fasting. Sackcloth represented mourning; prophets wore it to associate themselves with the underprivileged and partly as a sign of mourning for the people’s sins. The Ninevites wore sackcloths to symbolize their total dependence on God, understanding that without His protection, they would perish.
In one of the most famous Biblical stories, Jonah didn’t want to travel to Ninevah to share the Lord’s message because he knew what they would do. An important city with a population of at least 120,000, Jonah knew if the Ninevites repented, God would save them, and the prophet didn’t think they deserved saving. So, Jonah ended up in the belly of a whale, where he realized he couldn’t outrun God or His calling.
The Ninevites didn’t disappoint Jonah; they repented, and the Lord saved them. Jonah learned a valuable lesson in obedience and God’s sovereignty. Even the king of Ninevah left his throne, putting on sackcloth and joining his people in repentance. The supreme God heard their pleas, answered their prayers, and delivered them from impending destruction.
“But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.” Luke 6:27-28
Praying for our enemies takes intention. Who wants those who hurt and persecute us to receive God’s blessing? I don’t blame Jonah for his unwillingness to share a message with the Ninevites with a vile reputation. Praying for someone I perceive as an enemy and asking God to bless them challenges me to the core. Instead of salvation, I want justice, but God doesn’t want anyone to perish, and neither should we.
Remembering our sinfulness helps to bring things into perspective. Each of us falls short of the mark of perfection. None of us deserve God’s grace and mercy. We may prevail in one area, but we fail in others. My sin may differ from someone else’s, but we share the same fate unless we repent and receive the supreme God’s salvation. Like Jonah, we will accept God’s sovereignty and unconditional love for all, not just those we think deserve it. Anyone who turns to the Lord humbles themselves before Him and seeks salvation will find it, no matter how badly they have sinned.
Journal Questions:
- How can I apply today’s devotion to my life?
- Who do you struggle to pray for in your life?
- How can accepting God’s sovereignty help you today?
Lord, forgive us for not wanting our enemies to receive Your saving grace. Please help us pray for our enemies, soften our hearts, and allow us to accept Your sovereignty. As we move through our days, let us become more like Jesus, loving all, excluding no one, and supporting those who need help. As we accept Your saving grace, let us share it freely with all we meet. IJNIP. Amen