One-minute read.

“When we come to the end of ourselves, we come to the beginning of God.” Billy Graham
On this Sabbath, come to the end of yourself and the beginning of God. Whatever troubles plagued you in the past week, lay them at the foot of the cross. Bare your soul to the Creator, basking in reverence for Him, finding refuge in His sanctuary. Open your heart and allow the Lord to search it, revealing the areas you haven’t given Him yet. Let go of the stresses of this world and embrace the peace found only through Jesus. In Christ, we can find true rest.
Let this Sabbath refuel your spirit as you reflect on God’s sovereignty. With one hand, receive Christ’s love; with the other hand, share what you’ve found. Become more like Jesus as you pursue Him wholeheartedly, reveling in His grace and mercy. Have reverence for the great I AM. No one compares to the Lord; nothing can replace what we find in Him: unconditional love, everlasting peace, boundless grace, and unending strength.