Two-minute read.

“So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes.”
Daniel 9:3
Praying Scripture.
Daniel studied Scripture diligently, building his prayer life on God’s word. Studying Jeremiah’s writings, Daniel discovered the following prophecy:
“For thus says the Lord: When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will visit you, and I will fulfill to you my promise and bring you back to this place.” Jeremiah 29:10
Although Jeremiah died only a few decades earlier, Daniel still included his writings as inspired Scripture. Daniel prayed for the current need and God’s covenant word of promise. The Lord doesn’t need reminded of His promises, Daniel understood it pleases God for His people to pray and ask Him. Repentance and intercession affect the person outwardly as well as inwardly. Asking God for deliverance and receiving it strengthened Daniel’s faith, drawing him closer to the Lord, which pleased God.
Daniel’s prayer and fasting came from his private study of the scriptures. Following the guidelines Jesus gave in Matthew 6:16-18, no one knew from Daniel’s outward appearance of his spiritual practice. In doing so, only God saw Daniel’s fasting and prayer, the servant seeking the Lord’s approval, not others’ praise.
Secrets draw people together. Ron and I have many things we keep between us, not sharing with others. Doing so creates intimacy in our relationship and helps us become one. Similarly, when we pray and fast, keeping it between ourselves and the Lord, we develop a more intimate relationship with our Creator.
Daniel banked on God’s character and wanted His name glorified, using Scripture as the foundation of his prayer. The Lord’s revealed mercy because of past deeds motivated Daniel to pray fervently for God’s promise to come to fruition. Confessing and repenting for the Hebrew nation, Daniel trusted Yahweh to keep His word and rescue the people.
Discovering God’s promises and praying for them will change your life. Fasting and prayer make a difference. As you pursue the Lord wholeheartedly, you will find Him, and He will answer. Seeking the Lord’s approval by connecting with Him privately, caring more about God’s opinion than others, will draw you closer to your Creator. As you submit your life to God’s will, a peace that surpasses all understanding will enter your heart. The Lord will provide all you need to persevere on life’s journey.
Journal Questions:
- How can I apply today’s devotion to my life?
- What promise of God can you apply to your life today?
- How can you become more intimate with God today?
Lord, thank You for giving us Your word to pray. As we seek You privately, change us inwardly and outwardly. Help us fulfill our purpose as we come to You humbly, fasting and praying for Your will. Bend down and hear our prayers, give us peace while waiting for the answer, and help us represent You well in everything. IJNIP. Amen