Two-minute read.

“Who knows whether he will not turn and relent, and leave a blessing behind him, a grain offering and a drink offering for the Lord your God?”
Joel 2:14
Gracious provision.
Continuing from yesterday’s verses, Joel continues his plea for repentance, sharing God’s concern for his people. The prophet highlights the Lord’s mercy, reminding the people of His compassion for their needs and the redemptive grace He offers. None of us can meet the Lord’s standards because of our imperfections. Repenting gives us access to God’s gracious provision not to receive His judgment. If we don’t acknowledge the Lord, we can’t receive what He has to offer.
Joel points out that no one knows what God will do if we repent. When I finally gave that part of my heart to God that desired marriage, I gained His peace in that area of my life. No matter what happened to me, I knew the Lord would provide. In my soul, God transformed me, creating a new response to a chronic issue for me. “God’s the best husband I can have,” I told people. John’s words took on new meaning for me:
“For he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4b
Giving my desire for marriage to the Lord gave me access to His gracious provision like never before. From within my soul, I knew He would care for me, husband, or no husband. And for the first time, I felt good about my singleness. Then I met and married Ron, God’s gift from above that I cherish daily.
We don’t know what the Lord will do when we turn back to Him, confessing our sins and giving Him our hearts. After a lifetime of following Jesus, I can say this: God will amaze you when you sincerely repent and return to Him. Each day, I do it again. Every day, I sin, and every day I repent. The closer to the Lord I grow, the more sensitive my spirit comes to my sin. Errant thoughts constantly keep me busy repenting and returning. Emotional reactions give me a reason to confess. Human nature comes with sin, a fact we all share. But thankfully, we have a gracious provider!
Repent, turn back towards your Creator. Tell Him your flaws, reveal to Him your desires, and draw closer to the One who loves you more than any other.
Journal Questions:
- How can I apply today’s devotion to my life?
- What part of your heart do you need to give to God today?
- How has God graciously provided for you?
Dear Heavenly Father and Gracious Provider, thank you for your unconditional love, never-ending mercy, and continuing grace. Thank You for giving us a way to pick ourselves back up and try again. Please help us keep soft hearts, not allowing the pains of this world to harden them. Please give us the courage to move forward, doing the work necessary to become healthy and whole. Help us become unstuck. IJNIP. Amen