Two-minute read.

“That your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”
Matthew 6:18
Secret fasting.
During a fast, keep it secret. Don’t go around bragging. The Pharisees, religious leaders, proudly shared their holiness, wanting human recognition. When they fasted, everyone knew it. Fasting for God privately receives a heavenly reward not seen by man.
Years ago, I did a ten-day fast because of a relational issue. At my wit’s end, I turned to fasting and prayer to help me find victory. What happened during the ten days didn’t change others but transformed me. The Lord humbled me and showed me areas I could work on to improve the situation. About halfway through the fast, I felt a breakthrough in my Spirit. “Great, I can stop fasting now,” I thought. Immediately, the Holy Spirit responded, “Do you want a partial victory or a full victory?” I knew at that moment I needed to complete the fast to obtain a total transformation.
Over a decade later, God’s work in my life during those ten days still stands strong. Finishing the fast and allowing the Lord to transform me from the inside out softened my heart, changed my attitude, and improved my life. All done in secret, no one else knew at the time what I did. But the Lord knew, and He honored my efforts and helped me become more like Christ, a journey that continues today.
Trying to explain the benefits of fasting doesn’t compare to doing it. Discovering a deeper intimacy with God only happens when we put into practice His teachings. Expecting us to fast, Jesus teaches us how to receive the most benefits from depriving ourselves of worldly temptations and focusing on things of the spirit.
“For he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4
Experience God’s greatness by fasting in secret. Draw closer to your Maker as you replace things of this world with time with Him. Transform your life and become more like Christ through fasting and prayer. Developing a regular practice of fasting will help you discern God’s will for your life and discover life to the fullest, fulfilling Jesus’s desire for you. One hour at a time, one day at a time, one fast at a time, discover new life in Christ.
Journal Questions:
- How can I apply today’s devotion to my life?
- What challenges you about fasting in secret?
- How can you make fasting a regular part of your life?
Lord, forgive us for fasting publicly. Thank You for teaching us the importance of fasting in secret. As we attempt to fast, help us do so in private, trusting You know the desires of our hearts and will bless our efforts. Reveal truths to us, expose lies, and purify our hearts as we earnestly seek You. In all things, we give You the glory. IJNIP. Amen