Two-minute read.

It is not arrogant or rude.
1 Corinthians 13:4b-5a
Humble attitude.
Love has no arrogance or rudeness. No ego, just humility. For love to exist, one must choose it; we can’t force it upon someone. Nothing builds a community faster than unconditional love expressed to the members. More effective than any other weapon, love disarms hatred and grows unity.
When traveling, Ron and I enjoy visiting other churches. We believe in regular church attendance, whether in or out of town. As a result, we’ve attended churches all over the country. Most have greeters standing at the door, welcoming us into the building. Typically, people mill around in the hallway, waiting for the service to begin, catching up with friends. Usually, no one notices us once we pass the greeters. The churches that love well leave a lasting impression.
Heart Cry Christian Fellowship Church in Naples, NY, loved well. A small body of believers, they treated us as family. After greeting us at the door, the pastor’s daughter gave me a gift bag with a handmade potholder and information about their organization. During prayer time, one of the parishioners prayed for us and our tenth anniversary, the reason for the trip.
“God bless Ron and Beth’s 10th anniversary, give them many more years together, and bless their vacation.”
Tears came to my eyes when Tom, our new friend, prayed for us. Overcome with emotion, I will never forget their love and kindness. Love leaves lasting impressions; small actions leave big imprints.
As followers of Christ, we have the same calling card Jesus did: love. Wherever we go, we should leave a wake of unconditional love in our path. With practice, living a lifestyle of love becomes second nature.
“If you want a kind 16-year-old, teach a 6-year-old kindness and give them ten years to practice.” Jon Acuff[1]
Teach children how to love, and they will become loving adults. No matter the age, we can all learn how to love and become experts by practicing daily. Love requires humility. We must think of ourselves less and others more. Swelled heads and aggressive behavior leave nothing but pain behind. Humble hearts and kind actions leave an imprint on the heart that doesn’t die.
Love Challenge:
Think of someone in your life who always puts your needs above theirs. Do something special for them and thank them for always loving you.