Five-minute read.

For you created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Psalm 139:13
Knitted together.
In the 4-H club, they tried to teach me to knit. Meeting in the basement of Tidal Presbyterian church, the long-folding tables lined up in rows, I remember sitting at the end of one, fighting with my yarn. Using two long, skinny metal needles to combine yarn in magical patterns eluded me. However, using a simple hook did not, crocheting my preferred choice.
Working on a crochet pattern makes me appreciate each stitch. My current Starburst Granny Square Throw project requires constant color changes. Each flower has three different yarns, color varying with each row. The tub of yarn doesn’t look like much, but as I weave the threads together, it becomes a beautiful tapestry of color that warms the heart.
God knit us together in our mother’s womb. Every strand of DNA hand crafted and woven together by our Maker. Each detail planned for a purpose, creating individuals that form the Lord’s family. As every crochet pattern calls for specific stitches to create unique works of art, our Creator never uses the same two stitches. Like snowflakes, we each have a unique design.
Dorothy Casterline changed the world of communication for deaf people. Losing her hearing in the 7th grade, she never knew why.[i] But instead of questioning God’s design for her life, she accepted His sovereignty and found ways to help others. Working with other researchers, Casterline helped create the dictionary of American Sign Language, opening the doors of communication for the deaf community.
What if Dorothy had wallowed in pity when she lost her hearing, questioning God? When the Lord knit Casterline together, why did He include a disability? Without her Earthly struggle, Dorothy wouldn’t have gone on to help develop the dictionary. When our Creator designed the pattern for us, He did so with a goal in mind, one only we can achieve.
“I will never be petite,” I said to Ron. When the Lord knit me together in my mother’s room, He gave me wide hips, long legs, and broad shoulders. God also gave me a thick head of hair and pure green eyes, according to one optometrist. Why did the Lord design me this way? To serve my purpose. Each day, as I follow my Maker, He reveals more and more of His intentions for my life.
Thinking of the Lord knitting us together, I think of Him sitting on His throne, needles flashing in and out of the DNA strands, creating one masterpiece after another. God designs works of art, each valued and loved. Every stitch touched by the Creator, adored, and cherished, unconditionally loved. Unlike me, when I miss a stitch or miscount, God makes no mistakes. The Lord’s knitted works of art fill His kingdom with glory as they honor and serve Him.
Know how much the Lord loves you. He created you purposefully, knitting you together in Your mother’s womb. God calls you a masterpiece, fearfully and wonderfully made!
Knitted together.
God knows every molecule in our body. Like taking a fresh strand of yarn, He knits us together. When I’m crocheting, it reminds me of the intricacy of making anything. Each stitch must attach to another one, or it won’t work. Each piece takes thousands and thousands of stitches to create, the most satisfying one the last. Weaving in the ends of a finished work of art, flipping over the design, and seeing the final product brings joy to the heart just like we do the Lord when we leave the womb and begin life’s journey with Him.
God creates masterpieces.
Journaling Questions:
- What do you think of when you imagine God knitting you together?
- What part of your design baffles you?
- How can you begin seeing yourself as a masterpiece?
Lord, thank You for Your attention to detail in creating us. Help us understand the depths of Your love for us and your care in designing us. Give us divine insight into the effort You put into every one of us, knitting us together in our mother’s womb. Let us believe You created us as a unique masterpiece with unimaginable value. IJNIP. Amen