2 minute read.
Daily Reading: Isaiah 7-9 GW; Revelation 5 GW; Psalms 150 GW
Disobedience tries patience.
Doing what you want instead of what God wants tries His patience. In the same way, if my husband tells me to tighten my financial belt, but instead, I go on a spending spree, I test his patience with me. Every one of us goes astray. We all think we know better than God at some point or another and know more than people.
In Sunday’s message, the pastor talked about how sheep stray. The simple animals wander away from the shepherd one nibble at a time. Our wooly friends eat one blade of grass at a time, then another, until eventually, they find themselves far from where they started. Humans do the same thing the sheep do. One decision at a time, we wander from the Shepherd.
For instance, sometimes, I don’t like the “nudges” I receive from the Holy Spirit. In one of my relationships, God asked me to pray for a specific person. However, I didn’t want to pray for the individual, so I didn’t. However, the prompting wouldn’t go away. I felt God impressing on my Spirit a simple message, “You want me to do all these things for you, but you won’t do the one thing I ask you to do.” Self-awareness made me realize that I was testing God’s patience.
Stop testing God.
At some point, we must become self-aware and realize we’re the ones testing God. Our lack of obedience tests God’s patience. Like when a child disobeys our instructions, we do the same to God. As soon as I prayed for the person God placed on my heart, I felt God’s pleasure. Begrudgingly, I said their name to God and asked Him to bless their life. Coming into obedience to God means doing things we don’t want to do.
The good news, God forgives quickly, always offering a second chance. Don’t worry about what lies behind you. Instead, focus on what God has for you. Become self-aware of your disobedience. Stop testing God; start trusting Him instead.
Lord, thank You for Your patience. Forgive us for trying Your long-suffering time and time again. Help us become more self-aware today. Show us the areas where we are disobedient. Give us the faith we need to become obedient to You in all things. Glory and honor are Yours always. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What area of your life do you need to become more self-aware?