Five-minute read.

If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
Psalm 139:9a
No limits.
Continuing in the theme of God’s sovereignty, verse nine denotes the ends of the earth, from the breaking of dawn to the depths of the sea and everywhere in between. With each new day comes fresh mercy from the Lord, an opportunity to start again, and try and do better than yesterday.
Recently, I started attending a 6:00 a.m. group strength class. Since I rise early, it fits perfectly into my schedule. Driving home, I have the privilege of watching the sun rise over the horizon, strands of brilliant light illuminate the sky as it begins its slow journey from east to west. Something about the vibrant rays dispelling the darkness brings hope to my soul, invigorating and energizing me for the day ahead.
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” Lamentations 3:22-23
Hope comes with the rising sun. A new chance to make different decisions and choose another path. With each day comes new lessons, only moving on to the next one when we’ve learned the current one. God’s sovereignty allows us free will to do what we want, not forcing us to follow Him. When we choose to do things the Lord’s way, He blesses our efforts, supporting us along the journey and helping us move into the next phase.
Our neighbor Stephanie came over on Halloween night, and we played Phase 10. A fun card game, the first person to complete the final phase wins. If you don’t finish a level, you must stay on it until you do. My poor husband stayed on one level for several rounds, frustrating him to no end, but eventually, he completed the phase. Just like in the card game, God takes us through phases. We can’t move to the next level until we learn what He has for us on the current level. Sometimes, we stay in the same place for years; other times, we pass through them quickly. But in all things, life happens in the journey.
“At every stop, some people get on the bus, others get off.” Joyce Meyer[i]
Comparing the phases of life to a bus ride, Joyce Meyer made an observation about life that applies to everyone. The people we travel through life with change. Some stay with us throughout our entire lifetime, others only for a short while. But as we move from one stage to another, someone comes, and someone goes. God remains constant throughout the entire ride, driving the bus and watching as people come and go. His heart aches with ours when people decide to get off the bus and rejoices when people get on it.
Living a life for the Lord accepts His sovereignty, recognizing we can’t hide from Him. God calls for us to remain teachable, always learning and growing as we draw closer to our Creator. Applying Jesus’ teachings will transform our lives in ways we can’t imagine. Taking us through one level at a time, Christ goes before us, guiding and directing us on the journey. When we get stuck by the side of the road, the Lord waits patiently with us until we learn the lesson and start moving again.
Take heart; God’s presence in our life covers everything. Teaching and transforming us each day brings new hope. Joy comes when we choose Jesus.
God gives hope.
Each day, we mess up. Words come out of our mouths we didn’t mean to say. Emotions take over our actions, causing us to do something we usually wouldn’t do. Repeatedly, our imperfections find a way to reveal themselves. But God gives us hope we can overcome them. The Lord’s faithful, all-knowing presence in our lives nudges us forward, giving us as many chances as we need to learn the lessons He teaches. One step at a time, the Lord transforms us into a new person, full of love, grace, and mercy. In His sovereignty, God knows what we need to keep us persevering on the journey.
Transformation comes through perseverance.
Journaling Questions:
- What does the dawn of a new day make you think and feel?
- What lesson do you think God’s trying to teach you?
- How can you move to the next level of your journey with God?
Lord, thank You for your limitless involvement in our lives. As we persevere on our journey with You, help us learn the lessons You teach. Let us draw closer to You as we tune our spirits to Yours. Transform our lives as we repeatedly obey You in big and small things. Build our character, strengthen our integrity, and let us become more like Jesus with every lesson we learn. IJNIP. Amen