Five-minute read.

If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
Psalm 139:8
You are there.
Wherever I go, so does God. Depths, sol in original Hebrew, refers to “grave; by extension, realm of death, deepest depths,”[i] The Lord goes with us, even to death. Jesus overcame the deepest depths when He died on the cross. Theologians debate what happened to Christ when he died. We know that Jesus rose again, conquering death and leading everyone to eternal life.
Death scares me because of the unknown part of it. Loved ones have gone before me, so I know they have the answer, and one day I will find out. But I need not fear because God goes with us even in death. Knowing Christ leads the way comforts me.
“That’s my song for you,” Ron said when I first heard “I Will Follow You into the Dark”[ii] by Death Cab for Cutie. Dating at the time, he made the song his ringtone for me. Listening to the lyrics, my love deepened for my future husband at that moment:
Love of mine, someday you will die
But I’ll be close behind; I’ll follow you into the dark.
No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white
Just our hands clasped so tight, waiting for the hint of a spark.
No one on Earth loves me like my husband does. His kindness and generosity continue to amaze me. The more I get to know Ron, the more I love him. And through my better half, I better understand God’s unconditional love, grace, and mercy. Ron’s willingness to follow me anywhere, even into the dark, tells me of his deep affection. My husband loves sacrificially, without conditions, and forever. Ron’s not perfect, but he loves me perfectly. And through Him, I’ve learned more about love.
So, when David talks about God’s presence wherever I go, I understand its love that keeps the Lord with me. The heavenly Father doesn’t go with us into the depths because He must; God goes with us because He loves us so profoundly. No one loves me more than God, not even Ron. And no one loves you more than God. Jesus came to Earth, living a sacrificial life to connect us with the Lord. Following God’s Son will allow us to experience peace on Earth. You will never regret trusting Jesus.
Why do we have to go to the deepest depths? I don’t have an answer to that question. Pain and heartache come with living life to the fullest. Without grief, we wouldn’t understand love. Maybe knowing death will one day come makes us appreciate today. Keeping the shortness of life on Earth in perspective helps us appreciate it more. Today will never come again. Pain doesn’t last forever; joy comes in the morning.
We can trust God’s promise; He goes with us wherever we go. The Lord always desires our company, like a doting father with a newborn baby; He enjoys watching us live life. With our Maker by our side, we can live life to the fullest, no matter what giants stand before us. In God, we can trust.
God wants to spend time with us.
Wherever I go, God goes with me because He loves me. I can have confidence that God wants to spend time with me. When I lift my prayers to the Lord, He wants to hear them. I’m not bothering Him. Me calling on God doesn’t interrupt Him or annoy Him. I can’t pray too much. Unlike humans, our Creator doesn’t get irritated when someone calls a lot or constantly interrupts them. The Creator wants us to have a constant connection with Him, always praying, always seeking, always thanking; wherever we go, You are there.
You are there.
Journaling Questions:
- How has someone on Earth shown you love?
- How would you describe God’s love?
- What does God’s unconditional love do for your life?
Lord, forgive us for ever doubting Your love for us. Please help us receive Your love, allowing it to heal us from within our souls. Open our eyes and ears to Your precious ways, constantly learning and growing. Let us become more like Christ, loving as He did. IJNIP. Amen