Five-minute read.

Where shall I go from your Spirit?
Psalm 39:7a
No hiding.
Ruah, the original Hebrew word for Spirit, means the seat of life, spirit being, especially the Spirit of God.[i] The seat of life comes from the Lord; every breath we take, we do so because of Him. Nothing lives without the Creator’s knowledge; no leaf falls to the ground without Him knowing. We can’t hide from God, no escaping His eternal presence.
During my single years, somewhere along the way, I heard a challenge. Ask yourself this question. If your future spouse was with you at any moment, would they approve of your actions? The pastor called this the “Eye Theory,” essentially acting as if our someday partner could see our current situation. Planting that seed in my mind made me think more about what I did and live more intentionally as I prepared for marriage.
God does see everything we do. His Spirit resides in all places; nowhere can anyone escape the Lord. His omnipresence means our Creator will always lead and hold the believer, no matter where we go. Darkness can’t ruin the light of God; the Lord dispenses the dark, illuminating it with His presence.
Guilt may make us want to flee from God. Sinning separates us from the Lord, causing us to want to hide.
“Don’t check the cameras!” said five-year-old Benji, dressed in red pajamas. Talking with his mom, he held an open Christmas present that he “didn’t open.” For three minutes, the video shows him pleading his case, eventually breaking into tears as he begs her not to check the cameras. Knowing the cameras would reveal the truth, he realizes he has no choice but to come clean.
“Yes, by accident,” the young tike says through gasping sobs, finally confessing his sin.[ii]
Benji had no problem believing his mom had a camera watching the tree. In today’s world, video surveillance happens everywhere. Watch any crime show, and you will see detectives using footage from street cameras, businesses, and homes to catch the criminal. Like cameras, God’s Spirit covers the universe, not a street He doesn’t see. The Lord forgives our wrongdoings and offers us a chance to try again.
We can come to our Protector with a humble heart, confessing we opened the present. Just as Benji’s mom folded him in her arms, comforting him after he admitted his guilt, God does the same for us. The Lord wants us to come to Him with our sins, allowing Him to wipe away our tears and heal us from within our spirit. Following God means we align our soul with His, living life as one with the Lord.
Don’t fret because God knows everything, His Spirit always present, no matter where we go. Instead, embrace your Creator’s presence. Mold your life with God’s as you follow Him and serve Him. No need to fear the Maker’s reaction to your sins; He’s already forgiven them. Like the mom in the video, God desires us to come to Him and share our hearts, souls, minds, and bodies. The Lord created us; He knows our imperfections better than we do and still loves us.
Take comfort knowing you can’t hide from God’s Spirit. Embrace a relationship with God. Let Him into the darkest parts of your heart so He can shine His light, expelling the darkness.
Embrace God’s presence.
Standing in line at Dollar Tree during Christmas, it wrapped down one aisle and around the next. Looking at the impatient people irritated at the wait, I thought of God and His love for them and me. Taking the opportunity to practice patience, instead of getting upset, I used the time to research new projects on Pinterest for my shop. Knowing God’s Spirit dwells with me, even in line at the dollar store, made me choose to respond differently to the aggravating circumstances, which resulted in peace to my soul.
Thank God for His never-ending presence, helping me become more like Christ and less like me.
God’s presence makes me live better.
Journaling Questions:
- What does it mean to you that God’s Spirit is everywhere?
- How can you become comfortable with God’s omnipresence?
- What does God’s presence mean in your life?
Lord, forgive us for trying to hide from You. As we pursue You today, help us become comfortable with Your omnipresence. Let us respond to the world around us as you would have us do, sharing love with all. Hold us in Your arms when we falter; help us find our way again when we sin. Guide and direct us with every breath we take. In all things, let You receive the glory. IJNIP. Amen