Five-minute read.

You know when I sit and when I rise;
Psalm 139:2a
Rise and walk.
Since the onset of menopause, sleep and I have an ongoing battle. Each night, I clock-watch.
“Alexa, what time is it?”
“The time is 12:59 a.m.”
Great, another sleepless night. Rolling over, I wait for the clock to strike 4:00 a.m. (since the clocks fell back an hour, 5:00 a.m. in the summer months) to get up and start my day, which means opening the YouVersion Bible app and spending time in God’s word. December mornings include sparkling Christmas tree lights piercing the darkness, with flickering flames from our gas fireplace adding a dancing glow.
God knows our battles with insomnia, what time we get up, and where we sit. He never leaves or forsakes us, not even on lonely, sleepless nights. My early mornings allow me to spend quality time with the Lord. Experiencing the Creator’s Spirit in those early hours prepares me for the day ahead. Inspiration for my writing comes from time in the scriptures, words that read my heart and illuminate areas I need to submit to the Lord.
“But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said, “Why do you think evil in your hearts? For which is easier, to say, “Your sins are forgiven,” or to say, “Rise and walk?”
Matthew 9:4
Our Maker doesn’t miss one waking or sleeping moment of our lives. Like a loving Father watching his children sleep, God delights in us. Jesus knows our thoughts and understands we have evil in our hearts. The Lord shows us how to overcome our human nature by accepting His grace and mercy, forgiving sins, and simply saying, “Rise and walk.”
Believe today in God’s word. Believe that He knows when you sit and when you rise. Expect the Lord’s presence, even if you don’t feel it. Feelings lie, but God never does. Whatever promises the Creator makes, He keeps, like these five:
- Direction and clarity (Prov. 3:5-6)
- Peace (Isaiah 26:3)
- Security (Psalm 56:3-4)
- Victory (Psalm 20:7-8)
- Joy (Psalm 13:5)
Rest in the truth of God’s word, rely on His promises, and know He never leaves your side. Rise and walk boldly, understanding your Maker already paves the way for you.
God knows every move.
When darkness surrounds me, and sleep alludes me, I’m not alone. Sleepless nights can make me feel isolated, especially when my hubby sleeps soundly beside me. My feelings say I’m the only one in the world awake. But that’s not true. One scroll through my Facebook feed tells me others share my struggle. And the Lord never sleeps; His word tells us so.
. Trusting the Lord’s promises means believing them. God watched me get out of bed today; He knows where I’m sitting right now. Never for a moment does my heavenly Father leave my side. And He doesn’t leave yours either.
God knows every toss and turn. We never make a move without Him. The Lord loves us too much to leave our side. In Him, we can trust.
Journaling Question:
- What keeps me from believing God’s word?
- How can I become more trusting of God’s promises?
- What can I do today to begin believing God’s with me always?
Lord, forgive me for thinking You leave me. Open my eyes to Your presence in my life. Help my unbelief. Convict me of Your never-ending presence in my life. Help me believe that You know when I wake and where I sit. IJNIP. Amen
Thank you Beth, as always. I liked today’s reading. I do feel like the only one awake sometimes, and I know it’s not true. Think you hit the nail with statement in your post – Trusting the Lord’s promises means believing them.
Love you Wendy!