One minute read.

Daily Reading: Zechariah 8:1-23, Revelation 16:1-21, Psalm 144:1-15, Proverbs 30:29-31
Daily Verse: “Three things are stately in their tread; four are stately in their stride” Prov. 30:29
Majestic qualities.
Leaders have a stately stride. Using animals as examples in the verses that follow today’s scripture, lions, strutting roosters, and he-goats all possess majestic qualities. The human model of a king standing with his army makes the fourth.
Mel Gibson’s portrayal of Sir William Wallace, a late 13th-century Scottish warrior in the 1995 movie Braveheart has a memorable scene. Wallace sits tall on his stallion in front of his army, giving a freedom speech:
“They may take our lives, but they will never take our freedom.”
Gibson’s stately stride atop his mighty steed creates an unforgettable image of a king before his army. With a confident demeanor, strong leaders stand tall when leading troops into battle.
Standing tall and walking with a stately stride gives us confidence when facing life’s struggles. Propping ourselves on God’s promises will give us the strength for the fight, knowing we already have victory in Jesus.

Lord, thank You for giving us powerful examples to spur us onward. As we face the day’s challenges, please give us the weapons to enjoy victory. Patience, self-control, grace, and mercy, the things of Christ, will lead us to success. IJNIP. Amen