One minute read.

Daily Reading: Zechariah 6:1-7:14, Revelation 15:1-8, Psalm 143:1-12, Proverbs 30:24-28
Daily Verse: “Four things on earth are small, but they are exceedingly wise:” Prov. 30:24
Four things.
Ants, rock badgers, locusts, and lizards have small stature but extreme wisdom. Ants show forethought in preparing for winter by storing food in the summer. Rock badgers exemplify ingenuity in finding a place of security. Locusts have incredible cooperation and order, organizing their military division and causing problems for humans. Finally, lizards have elusive boldness, simultaneously attending King’s courts and servants’ houses.
Learning from God’s creation helps us become wiser. Each month, we save for the winters of life with an automatic withdrawal to our emergency account, learning from the ants. Creating a safe living environment requires adjustments as things change. Working well with others helps us develop a support system to help us through life’s trials. And walking boldly with Jesus takes us places we never thought we would go.
Ponder the world around you. Think about how the creatures of the earth manage their lives. Ask yourself, what can I learn from them? Pray for God to give you divine insight into the things of the world and what you can learn from them.

Lord, thank You for giving us examples to learn from in your creation. Open our eyes to see what you have for us to know; give us teachable hearts. Let us become who You desire as we grow wiser, learning from Your Creation. IJNIP. Amen