One minute read.

Daily Reading: Zechariah 2:1-3:10, Rev. 13:1-13:18, Psalm 141:1-10, Proverbs 30:18-20
Daily Verse: “This is the way of an adulteress: she eats and wipes her mouth and says, “I have done no wrong.” Prov. 30:20
Insensitivity to sin.
Having no regard for immoral behavior, the adulteress doesn’t care about the consequences of her actions. In other words, she possesses an insensitivity to sin. The femme fatale has a hardened heart and a lack of self-awareness.
Continually doing the wrong thing causes the heart to lose sensitivity. Eventually, the wall around the soul becomes impenetrable. Stuck in distorted thinking, our perception becomes a reality. Harden hearts don’t receive help because they don’t think they need it.
“What good does it do to get angry?” Mom said on many occasions to me. Because I had an angry heart, feeling cheated by life, it came out in many ways. My mother tried to help me see the problem, but my hardened heart wouldn’t listen.
Until I met my husband, whose love for me finally penetrated the wall I erected and began to pull the bricks down, a work still in progress.
Only unconditional love can conquer hardened hearts. Jesus offers the cure for our sinful nature and waits patiently for us to let Him into our lives.

Lord, forgive us for hardening our hearts to our sinful ways. Open our eyes to see the areas we must give to You. Help us find life to the fullest as we soften our hearts and accept Your grace. IJNIP. Amen