One minute read.

Daily Reading: Joel 1:1-3:21, Revelation 1:1-20, Psalm 128:1-6, Proverbs 29:18
Daily Verse: “Where there is no prophetic vision, the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.” Prov. 29:18
Divine revelation.
God gives us visions and divine revelations that spur us on our journey. Praying over a stalemate situation in my business, God gave me a vision. Wanting to increase my space, the owner offered me an area two feet larger than mine for twice the cost; she didn’t realize the size. Feeling frustrated, I turned to God and received an aha moment.
Instead of moving into one larger space, occupy two locations in the same store, equaling the bigger size and giving me more exposure. God’s divine revelation solved the problem for both of us, offering a compromise. Negotiations continue with the owner, but the Lord gave me a vision for how to move forward.
Seeking and obeying God leads to blessings. The Lord’s guidance gives us direction and helps us continue to become a new person in Christ. Obeying the Creator’s commands allows us to avoid heartache and pursue a life of righteousness. When we falter, we get up and try again.
Ask God for vision in your life. Seek the Lord’s direction, then follow it with all your heart.

Lord, forgive us for not seeking Your direction in our lives. As we turn to You, please give us a vision for our lives. Show us what You want us to do; lead us to where You want us to go. IJNIP. Amen