One minute read.

Daily Reading: Hosea 6:1-9:17, 3 John 1:1-15, Psalm 126:1-6, Proverbs 29:12-14
Daily Verse: “The poor man and the oppressor meet together; the Lord gives light to the eyes of both.” Prov. 29:13
Life from God.
Whether rich or poor, we all get our breath from the Lord. The balance in your bank account doesn’t determine your worth; God does. And the Lord loves you unconditionally, warts and all.
Our imperfections draw us closer to God as we allow Him to work in our weaknesses, turning them into strengths. Talking to a friend going through difficult times, she told me, “God doesn’t put anything in front of us we can’t handle.”
“You know, I thought that exact thing for years. My favorite aunt (whose heavenly birthday I celebrate as I write this) told me the same thing as we walked to my dad’s hospital bed when I was 16 to say goodbye.” For decades, I believed the lie so many of us do, but then God revealed the truth to me.
The Lord does give us more than we can handle because, in our desperation, we lean into His strength. If we could deal with everything independently, we wouldn’t need God. But the Creator never designed us to handle life on our own.
Rich and poor receive life from God and need Him to live it to the fullest!

Lord, forgive us for trying to live life on our own. Please strengthen us for the day ahead; use our weaknesses to glorify You. Help us climb the mountains before us with Your power. IJNIP. Amen