One minute read.

Daily Reading: Ezekiel 20:1-49, Hebrews 9:11-28, Psalm 107:1-43, Proverbs 27:11
Daily Verse: “Be wise, my son, and make my heart glad, that I may answer him who reproaches me.” Prov. 27:11
Teaching vindicated.
When someone criticizes a father’s son, wise children enable their dads to defend them. Teachers typically get blamed for their students’ faults, treating them with contempt. But by highlighting the students that have learned, the teacher shows they didn’t labor in vain.
As a coach, I have students who want to listen and learn and those who don’t. One new student who has only had four lessons has so much enthusiasm for the game; he’s already shown vast improvement because he constantly practices. However, another student has taken classes longer and has a natural ability but doesn’t improve because he won’t listen and do the work necessary to take his game to the next level.
Teachers give the information necessary to learn, but the student must receive and apply it to grow. Wise kids listen and learn, showing the effectiveness of their teacher.
We can’t control what other people do. But we can highlight the progress an avid student makes.

Lord, thank You for allowing us to learn and grow. Please help us apply ourselves to Your teachings, becoming the person You intend. Let us represent You well as we follow Jesus. IJNIP. Amen