One minute read.

Daily Reading: Isaiah 51:1-53:12, Ephesians 5:1-33, Psalm 69:19-36, Proverbs 24:7
Daily Verse: “Wisdom is too high for a fool; in the gate, he does not open his mouth.” Prov. 24:7
Unattainable wisdom.
Writing through Proverbs for a year illustrates God’s emphasis on wisdom and fools. Opposites, fools can’t obtain wisdom. Today’s verse portrays a fool outside his element; he doesn’t open his mouth when he should.
My heart aches for people who can’t learn. Because they remain unteachable, fools stay stuck, never moving forward in life’s journey. Learning life lessons and growing from them propels us forward, but we’ll never take the next step if we can’t learn.
Everyone has foolish moments. Celebrating the wins and learning from the failures makes us teachable. One wrong decision doesn’t have to lead to another. Instead, it can become the basis for better choices in the future. Once you know what not to do, you have a better chance of doing what you should.
Remain teachable. Understand we always have more to learn, and we will never arrive until the good Lord calls us home. Acquire wisdom and become all God intends.

Lord, forgive us for not learning the lessons You have for us. Thank You for giving us second, third, and whatever chances we need to learn. Keep our spirits teachable as we follow You and strive to fulfill our purposes. IJNIP. Amen