One minute read.

Daily Reading: Isaiah 45;11-48:11, Ephesians 4:1-16, Psalm 68:19-35, Proverbs 24:3-4
Daily Verse: “By wisdom, a house is built, and by understanding it is established;” Prov. 24:3-4
Domestic enterprises.
Houses require wisdom to build and understanding to establish. Planning the layout of rooms, the precise placement of the kitchen and baths, and the million other decisions that come with creating a home takes time and intention. Builders can’t slap boards together and expect to have a solid home.
Thinking of purchasing a log cabin, Ron and I toured one built in 1976. The original owner could no longer live in the home alone, causing the kids to sell it. Massive logs stacked one on top of the other created a cozy atmosphere. Almost fifty years old, the owner’s understanding of the care needed for the unique structure came through in its pristine presentation.
Although we decided to pass on the cabin, we still appreciated the love permeating the well-established home. Wisdom built the house, and understanding had established it. I could only imagine the family memories made in the cozy getaway over the decades.
God tells us to ask, and we will receive; He wants to give us wisdom and understanding. Build your homes with the Lord’s gifts and enjoy the benefits.

Lord, forgive us for not asking You for wisdom and understanding. As we grow closer to You, let us always come to You with our needs, trusting Your provision. Please help us build loving homes through the gifts you offer. IJNIP. Amen