One minute read.

Daily Reading: Isaiah 25:1-28:13, Galatians 3:10-22, Psalm 61:1-8, Proverbs 23:17-18
Daily Verse: “Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off.” Prov. 23:18
Future hope.
“But they seem to be doing great while I’m suffering.” I hear some form of this statement a lot when talking to people going through difficult times. A woman going through a divorce that sees her husband thriving with his new girlfriend while she suffers doesn’t seem right. Wondering how God will bring good from our struggles while the persecutors continue to succeed baffles anyone.
We must remember at those times, we don’t know the whole story. Just because someone seems to have it all doesn’t mean they do. And God doesn’t waste any of our struggles, using them to grow and mature us into who He wants us to become.
Our hope comes from Jesus, not man. Putting your hearts desires into a person will lead to heartache. But placing your trust in Christ will lead to a fruitful future, one garnered in unconditional love and unspeakable joy.
Treasure awaits us in heaven. In the meantime, this life prepares us for eternity as we grow and mature through the struggles we endure on Earth. Persevere for the divine pay-off.

Lord, forgive us for questioning Your will. Instead, help us learn what You have for us in the struggles we endure. Give us hope for the future and the strength needed to persevere. In all things, let You receive the glory and honor. IJNIP. Amen