One minute read.
Daily Reading: Esther 8:1-10:3, 1 Cor. 12:27-13:13, Psalm 37:1-11, Proverbs 21:23-24
Daily Verse: “Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.” Prov. 21:23
Controlled speech.
Walking nine holes of golf on a Friday afternoon in 90-plus degrees of weather, I lost control of my speech. I confronted the couple in front of us because I mistakenly thought they had slowed down play by passing us. As the situation unfolded, I realized I made a mistake and accused them of something they didn’t do.
To make matters worse, I knew them through their kids who I coached in tennis.
Consumed with shame and embarrassment, I sent a sincere and heartfelt apology which they graciously accepted. But the humbling from the Lord for my uncontrolled speech taught me a valuable lesson. Hopefully, I will never let my anger take control of my tongue again. Only with divine intervention can I accomplish my goal.
Losing control of your speech for whatever reason leads to heartache and remorse. Before we speak, we must filter our words and ensure they will uplift and encourage the receiver. If not, we shouldn’t talk. Following God’s advice will lead to life to the fullest, but when we don’t, we will experience negative consequences.
Lord, forgive us for speaking uncontrollably. Please help us always have the tools we need to control our tongues. Let uplifting and encouraging words come from our mouths and nothing else. IJNIP. Amen.