One minute read.

Daily Reading: 2 Chronicles 26:1-28:27, Romans 13:1-14, Psalm 23:1-6, Proverbs 20:11
Daily Verse: “Even a child makes himself known by his acts, by whether his conduct is pure and upright.” Prov. 20:11
Cultivated righteousness.
Children’s actions, like adults, show their character. Righteous conduct reveals righteous character. Recognizing pure hearts in children because of their actions allows parents to cultivate them. However, when kids show their sinful side, developing a pure heart requires discipline and teaching through personal example.
Teaching tennis camp, I had three siblings: one boy ( the oldest) and two girls. Playing Asteroids, a game like musical chairs, except with balls, the youngest sibling didn’t get a ball and began to cry. Immediately, her older brother handed his ball to her, understanding the situation and her frustration, a pure heart exemplified.
Witnessing that moment tells why I love working with children. Kids don’t have the scars adults do; they haven’t built walls around their hearts and love freely. Working with them reminds me of how God wants us to love Him, like a child, without reserve, trusting completely.
Develop a righteous heart through daily time with the Lord; let Him purify.

Lord, thank You for the children in our lives. Help us develop their righteous hearts by the examples we set for them. Purify us, searching our souls and cleansing them from iniquity. IJNIP. Amen