One minute read.

Daily Reading: 2 Kings 3:1-4:17, Acts 14:8-28, Psalm 140:1-13, Proverbs 17:22
Daily Verse: “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Prov. 17:22
Joyful heart.
Depressed spirits ruin health, but joyful hearts bring health to the bones. As someone who has struggled with depression my entire life, I understand today’s verse entirely.
My husband helped me identify my last bout with depression. After experiencing a life-threatening health crisis, my mind filled with anxious thoughts as I recognized life’s fragility and mortality. Thankfully, God gave me a strong support network of family and friends and an excellent therapist who helped bring joy back to my heart.
Identifying depression in myself challenges me. We can’t always see what others see in us. Thankfully, as a member of God’s family, the Lord gives us community to help us live life to the fullest.
Whether you struggle with depression or not, invest in God’s family. Build a support network by joining a Bible study (small group), intentionally developing friendships with others, and seeking professional help if necessary.
God wants us to live life to the fullest; we can with the support of His family.

Lord, thank You for adopting us into Your family. Please help us develop friendships that will help us live life to the fullest. Give us the courage to seek professional help if necessary. IJNIP. Amen