One minute read.

Daily Reading: 1 Kings 20:1-21:29, Acts 12:24-13:15, Psalm 137:1-9, Proverbs 17:16
Daily Verse: “Why should a fool have money in his hand to buy wisdom when he has no sense?” Prov. 17:16
Inaccessible wisdom.
Fools can’t buy wisdom because they lack the intellect to get it in the first place. During my undergrad years, I acted foolishly. More concerned about my social life than my academic life, I didn’t pay attention in class and wasted the money my mother paid for me to learn wisdom. Because I had my priorities wrong, I couldn’t gain wisdom.
Flash forward twenty-five years when I returned to school for my graduate degree, and life had taught me lessons about priorities. Learning from earlier mistakes, I made the dean’s list every semester and gained much wisdom.
Following Jesus exposes our foolish ways. Don’t give up on people who act irresponsibly. Instead, pray for them like my mother did me. Without a doubt, her prayers helped me find my way back to Jesus and learn wisdom.
People can change. Fools can become wise with Christ. Submitting our lives to Jesus begins a new life, where we leave the old ways behind and embrace a new way of living.

Lord, forgive us our foolish ways. Open our eyes and ears to learn the lessons You want us to know. Help us develop wisdom as we apply Your teachings to our lives. Let us fulfill our purpose as we pursue You vigorously. IJNIP. Amen