One minute read.

Daily Reading: 1 Kings 9:1-10:29, Acts 8:14-40, Psalm 130:1-8, Proverbs 17:2-3
Daily Verse: “The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and the Lord tests hearts.” Prov. 17:3
Divine purification.
Nitric acid purifies silver by mixing it with the dissolved metal; it exposes the undissolvable contaminants, leaving them behind. Then adding silver precipitant crystals (common salt) to the mixture neutralizes the acid, pours it off, and leaves the pure silver behind.
God purifies our hearts with the circumstances of life as we follow Him. Putting into practice Biblical principles reveals the “undissolvable contaminants” in our lives. Adding the Holy Spirit strengthens us to neutralize our impurities and leaves behind a pure heart.
When I struggled with hatred towards another person, God purified my heart. First, I had to understand why their actions caused such a violent response in me. God showed me impurities in my own life that needed work. Dealing with those issues purified my heart, replaced hatred with love, and helped me overcome the powerful emotion.
God tests the heart in various ways. Allowing Him to purify us leads to a more Christ-like life filled with the Lord’s blessing and peace.

Lord, thank You for purifying our hearts and removing the contaminated parts. Lead us in Your ways, continually refining and making our hearts pure. Let us become more like Christ as we follow You closely, changing daily. IJNIP. Amen