One minute read.

Daily Reading: 1 Samuel 22:1-23:29, John 10:1-21, Psalm 115:1-18, Proverbs 15:18-19
Progress of diligence.
Daily discipline leads to diligence, which eventually shows progress. As a tennis coach, my goal with each lesson remains the same, achieving a 1% increase in my student’s performance. A year of weekly classes equals a 50% improvement and progress.
Many days, I see the look of defeat on my young student’s faces as they miss a ball into the net or hit one long. Reminding them of their progress helps encourage them, but their expectations of themselves inevitably get in the way. Coaching them along the journey means reminding them that even the pros had to go through the valleys to reach the top. Perseverance pays off, not quitting.
Some days, I feel victorious; other days, I feel defeated, but I still tune into God and trust Him each day. Over fifty-plus years, I’ve learned many things, and I still have a long way to go. But my diligence results in progress in my relationship with God and others.
Slow and steady wins the race. Sluggards give up. Diligent people persevere and learn God’s with them, regardless of their outward circumstances. Amid the storm, Christ leads us on a steady highway, giving us His peace that surpasses all understanding.

Lord, forgive us for giving up and not trusting You. As we face the valleys of life, help us persevere, keeping our gaze centered on Jesus. Lead us through the storms, giving us the peace that surpasses all understanding; let us share Your love with the world. IJNIP. Amen