One minute read.

Daily Reading: Judges 1:1-2:9, Luke 21:29-22:13, Psalm 90:1-91:16, Proverbs 13:24-25
Daily Verse: “Whoever spares the rod hates his son,but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.” Prov. 13:24
Discipline with love.
Raised in the 70s, I remember the first day of school when the teacher showed us the paddle they would use—wooden planks with holes drilled in them to heighten the impact. Twice I felt the rod of discipline on my behind, once in third grade (although I can’t remember the crime) and once in sixth grade for clowning around and disrupting the class.
My mother’s preferred rod of discipline came from our hot wheels set. The orange racetrack with raised edges worked wonders to keep us in line. Thankfully, I rarely felt the power of the plastic wand, the threat of it enough to keep me in check.
In the fifty years since my childhood, paddles in school no longer exist, nor do I think they should. But I believe in the necessity of discipline, and so does God.
Throughout life, we learn many lessons. God disciplines us through circumstances, people, and His word. Recognizing the controversial aspects of disciplining children, I pray for parents and teachers dealing with this issue.
God disciplines His children from a position of love, with our best interests at heart. Prayerfully and with love, let God guide you in this issue.

Lord, help us understand how to discipline with love and affection. Guide and direct us in this sensitive issue, allowing us to develop fully devoted followers of Christ, spreading His love, grace, and mercy. IJNIP. Amen