One minute read.

Daily Reading: Joshua 22:21-23:16, Luke 20:27-47, Psalm 89:14-37, Proverbs 13:17-19
Daily Verse: “Poverty and disgrace come to him who ignores instruction, but whoever heeds reproof is honored.” Prov. 13:18
Feedback helps.
“If you’re going to do something, do it right the first time,” Dad said. A man of diligence and discipline, he worked hard to provide for his family. I never saw him walk with a typical gate, losing his toes to gangrene during my first year of life, eventually losing his entire leg due to poor circulation. Yet, “hard worker” comes to mind when I think of my father.
Dad’s words still spur me onward. When facing a new task, I learn all I can to do it right the first time. As a result of Dad’s example, I learned to receive reproof and feedback to help me learn and grow, allowing me to do my best.
With his disability, Dad could have stopped working. But he didn’t. Instead, he found jobs he could do, despite his limitations. My father worked until he physically couldn’t work any longer, an honorable man who earned the respect of all who knew him.
Learn from those God places in your life. Work hard and accept feedback to do the best you can. Receive honor as God blesses your efforts.

Lord, forgive our laziness. Place people in our lives to help us grow and become the best version of ourselves. Help us receive feedback and change our ways, allowing us to serve You and others well. In all things, let You receive the glory and honor. IJNIP. Amen