One minute read.

Daily Reading: Joshua 19:1-20:9 ,Luke 19:28-48, Psalm 88:1-18, Proverbs 13:12-14
Daily Verse: “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” Prov. 13:12
Fulfilled desires give life.
Nothing saddens the heart like a disappointment. Hoping for an outcome that doesn’t happen discourages anyone. But when a long-awaited desire becomes a reality, it spurs people on to more incredible things.
Only some of our desires will become a reality. Aligning our hearts with Jesus will teach us to let go of earthly wants and set our minds on things not of this world. Drawing closer to Christ will change our longings.
When I ran into a person from my past who caused me deep pain, I initially felt anger. But God’s Spirit within me changed my desire for revenge. Aligning my heart with Jesus softened it as I remembered Christ’s grace and mercy for me. Extending grace and mercy to others becomes easier when I remember the gift God gave me.
Experience the joy of desires fulfilled with Jesus. Align your heart with Christ’s, wanting the things He wanted. Extend grace and mercy to others, just as Jesus did to you. Find encouragement as your hope becomes a reality.

Lord, forgive us for not wanting the same things as You. As we move through our day, help us align our hearts with Yours. Let us share the gifts we receive from above with all we meet, becoming more like Jesus daily. IJNIP. Amen