One minute read.

Daily Reading: Deuteronomy 11:1-12:32, Luke 8:22-39, Psalm 70:1-5, Proverbs 12:4
Daily Verse: “An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones.” Prov. 12:4
Partnerships bring life.
God designed marriage; scripture gives us guidelines for a healthy and fulfilling partnership with our mate. Living together harmoniously takes work and intention, but the rewards far outweigh the effort.
Since I spent most of my life single, applying Biblical principles to all my relationships helped prepare me for marriage. Having and maintaining healthy relationships matured me. But I learned quickly marriage relationships differ from any other.
“If I do everything you want, this becomes the Beth show. That show ended; it’s now the Ron and Beth show.” Ron’s words changed me. Journaling in bed, I complained when Ron “jostled” the bed while climbing into sleep. Year one of marriage teaches a lot of lessons.
Becoming a wife who helps her husband excel continues to grow and mature me. Centering our lives around Jesus, becoming active members in our church, building a network of believers who support us, and studying and applying Biblical principles to our lives, help our marriage thrive.
Become an excellent crown to your spouse by following Jesus; nothing will make you a better partner to the one you love.

Lord, forgive us for putting our needs before our spouses. Please help us become partners who give life to our mates. Grow and mature us through marriage to become more like Jesus. Let the ones who know us best respect us most. IJNIP. Amen