Righteous and Wicked

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One minute read.

Daily Reading: Numbers 15:17-16:40, Mark 15:1-47, Psalm 54:1-7, Proverbs 11:5-6

Daily Verse: “The righteousness of the blameless keeps his way straight, but the wicked falls by his own wickedness.” Prov. 11:5

Righteous and wicked.

Solomon contrasts righteousness and wickedness in today’s proverb. Righteous people find straight paths, while the wicked fall because of their exploits.

Following Jesus helps us navigate life’s dilemmas. Solomon’s writing style changes in the coming chapters, becoming more like proverbs: advice on various life topics. Following Solomon’s wisdom will help you live a blameless life with Jesus.

Raised Jewish, Jesus knew Solomon’s proverbs by heart. As you become more familiar with Christ, you can see how He exemplified Solomon’s wisdom in action.

Following Jesus keeps us on the righteous path. Day after day, applying the wisdom found within scripture to our life circumstances, guiding our way—practical advice for practical living.

Whatever dilemma you face in life, scripture has an answer for it.

Lord, forgive us our wicked ways. Guide and direct us on straight paths as we seek You.  Lead us on the way of the righteous as we desire you anew each day. IJNIP. Amen

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