One minute read.

Daily Reading: Leviticus 4:1-5:19, Mark 2:13-3:6, Psalm 36:1-12, Proverbs 10:1-2
Daily Verse: “Treasures gained by wickedness do not profit, but righteousness delivers from death.” Prov. 10:2
Ill-gotten gains don’t last.
When my brother and I stole candy from my uncle’s store, we didn’t get away with it. Before we got far from the door, Dad turned us around, making us confess our sins. The candy didn’t make it out of the wrapper.
But nothing felt better than purchasing my clothes for school after working all summer, mowing the church’s cemetery with my family. Paid $20 every two weeks, the memory my real treasure, not the money.
Dad used the riding lawn mower, driving back and forth between the long rows of tombstones. Mom and my older brother trimmed with weed eaters around the stones, while my little brother and I used push mowers to reach the spots Dad couldn’t. Hard-earned money created with precious memories.
Honest work delivers more than a paycheck. Memories don’t have a price tag, valuable only to those who possess them.

Lord, forgive us when we stray. Please help us make better choices today than we did yesterday. Enrich our lives with the memories we make during an honest day’s work. Bless our efforts. IJNIP. Amen