One minute read.
Daily Reading: Exodus 30:11-31:18, Matthew 26:47-68, Psalm 32:1-11, Proverbs 8:27-32
Daily Verse: “And now, O sons, listen to me: blessed are those who keep my ways.” Prov. 8:32
Expositor’s Bible Commentary summarizes today’s verse as a choice “between life and favor and harm and danger.”
Focusing on the straight and narrow path requires choices. When a bump in the road happens, we can go over it or around it. However, sometimes going around a problem leads us off the path.
Alley Ball, a drill in tennis, requires the kids to stand inside the lines of a three-foot alley. Coaches roll balls the students must avoid. If they jump sideways, they land outside the alley, losing the game. But if they jump over the ball, they remain inbounds.
Choosing to stay on the straight and narrow will involve overcoming obstacles. We can jump the largest hurdles and stay in the game with God’s ways.
Whatever balls get rolled your way today, remember that God’s ways can help us overcome anything.

Lord, thank You for giving us instructions for a favored and blessed life. Forgive us when we falter. Help us make the right choice today, letting Your ways lead us. IJNIP. Amen