2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Daniel 9:1-11:1 ESV, 1 John 2:18-3:6 ESV, Psalm 121:1-8 ESV, Proverbs 28:27-28 ESV
Daily Verse: “And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming.” (1 John 2:28 ESV)
AISCHUNOMAI (153): “Means shame and always being in the passive voice, signifies of the possibility of being ashamed before the Lord Jesus His Parousia with His saints 1 Jn 2:28.”[1]
No shame.
Many people don’t enter a relationship with God because of the shame they feel in their lives. Whether big or small, when we sin, we know it. Like Adam and Eve in the garden, our misdeeds cause us to hide from the Lord.
But God knew Eve ate the apple, and He loved her anyway. Whatever temptation you’ve succumbed to in the past, don’t let it hinder you from seeking God. Acknowledge your blunder and let the Lord guide you into different choices. Jesus creates a bridge that allows us to let go of our past and embrace God’s plan for our lives.
Believe God loves you.
God wants a relationship with you because He loves you. Don’t believe the lies; nothing can separate you from God’s love when you place your faith in Him, confess your past mistakes, and embrace the forgiveness Christ offers.
Walking nine holes with my hubby, I three-putted on the last hole after a good round. Because of the condition of the greens, I felt justified in deducting a stroke. However, immediately I felt convicted of my sin and gave the correct score.
God doesn’t expect perfection; He wants honesty. Admit when you make a mistake, learn from it, and then let it go. The Creator knows His creation, and God loves us, despite our flaws. Don’t let shame keep you from the life-giving relationship God offers.
Everyone has a past, decisions they regret, and events that make them cringe. But when you give those things to God, He creates beauty from ashes. The Lord wastes nothing; He uses everything for good for those who believe and trust in Him.
Approach God with confidence, knowing He forgives your sins. Strive to become more like Jesus, leaving your past behind and embracing new life in Christ.
[1] Strong, J., & Strong, J. (2010). The New Strong’s expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Greek Dictionary of the New Testament (p. 9) Thomas Nelson