2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Isaiah 62:6-65:25 ESV, Philippians 2:19-3:3 ESV, Psalm 73:1-28 ESV, Proverbs 24:13-14 ESV
Daily Verse: “For I have no one like him, who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare.” (Philippians 2:20 ESV)
GNESIOS (1103): “As an adjective, means primarily “lawfully begotten”; hence, “true, genuine, sincere.”[1]
True genuine.
Paul can’t go to Philippi, so he sends Timothy. In the apostle’s opinion, Timothy’s love for the church makes him the best candidate for the job. Besides Paul, no one loved the church of Philippi as much as Timothy did.
Once you experience the love of Christ, you want others to know what you know. Unconditional affection from above gives you renewed hope for better days to come. Growing God’s kingdom starts with caring genuinely for the people God places in your life. For Timothy, the Lord gave him a heart for the Philippians.
Sincere affection.
People can tell whether you care about them or view them as a resource to meet their needs. Cultivated friendships, built on trust and honesty, require investing time and energy. People who only call when they need something care about themselves more than they do you.
But the friends who show up repeatedly, giving of themselves, asking nothing in return, possess a genuine love for you. Sharing Christ’s love with others makes us that type of friend. We will genuinely seek to help others, putting their needs before ours.
Paul exemplifies his heart for others through his actions, as does Timothy. The two men sacrificed their time, energy, and comfort to spread the Gospel. Thousands of years later, their perseverance still impacts the church, growing God’s kingdom.
Love people sincerely today. Put your needs aside, trusting God to meet them, like He met Paul and Timothy’s needs. Invest your energy in cultivating lasting relationships with others as you love them for the Lord.
[1] Strong, J., & Strong, J. (2010). The New Strong’s expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Greek Dictionary of the New Testament (p. 60) Thomas Nelson