2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Job 40:1-42:17 ESV, 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 ESV, Psalm 45:1-17 ESV, Proverbs 22:14 ESV
Daily Verse: “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.” (2 Corinthians 5:20 ESV)
PRESBEUO (4243): “To be an ambassador,” act as a representative.” [i]
Represent well.
When you begin to follow Christ, you become His representative. People will look to you as an example of Jesus. Most people don’t read the Bible, but they will read you.
Of course, you will fail, as have I. Our imperfections highlight Christ’s perfections. If we become honest about our faults, not only with Jesus but with others, we’ll become more Christlike, drawing others to Jesus.
Every day God gives me something to accomplish. Whether God’s word convicts me of a wrong heart attitude or bad actions, the journey never ends. When I overcome one hurdle, the next one looms. But remembering that I represent the Big Guy helps me keep trying.
Use the uniform.
Every job has a dress code. During my days working for Nautica, I wore business casual attire. Jeans and polos covered my body. As a Flight Attendant, I wore a navy blue pantsuit and heels. As a waitress, I’ll never forget the bright yellow apron over my white shirt and black pants. For every job, we have a uniform, just like the one God wants us to wear.
“Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (1 Peter 5:5 ESV)
Clothing ourselves in humility will help us represent God well. Placing others before yourself requires letting go of prideful notions. God supports the humble but opposes the proud.
Our current housemate, a young man fresh out of college, completing an internship, epitomizes humility. Far more intelligent than me in engineering, he always prefaces his conversation with, “Take what I say with a grain of salt because I don’t know everything and am only operating from what I do know.”
Humility comes easily to him, even though he possesses much knowledge. Recognizing his limitations helps him not only stay humble but allows himself to remain teachable.
Represent God well by clothing yourself in humility. Remember, you work for God, no matter your job on earth. Everyone you meet, God loves. Dressing in the uniform of Jesus will help you become an ambassador for Christ. Stay humble, and people will respond to the love you have to offer, the unconditional love of Christ.
[i] Strong, J., & Strong, J. (2010). The New Strong’s expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Greek Dictionary of the New Testament (p. 209) Thomas Nelson