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2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 2 Chronicles 4:1-6:11 ESV, Romans 7:1-13 ESV, Psalm 17:1-15 ESV, Proverbs 19:22-23 ESV

Daily Verse: “Likewise, my brothers, you also have died to the law through the body of Christ, so that you may belong to another, to him who has been raised from the dead, in order that we may bear fruit for God.” (Romans 7:4 ESV)

EGEIRO (1453): “As a verb, is frequently used in the NT in the sense of “raising” (active voice), or “rising” (middle and passive voices) from sitting, lying, sickness, of raising or rising “from the dead.”[i]

From the dead.

Christ fulfilled the law when His resurrected body left the tomb.  All debts paid, freedom comes in absolution.  Letting go of past sins makes room for future blessings.  Saying “No,” to what you used to say ‘Yes” changes your life in ways you’ll never know until you try.

Jesus knows we can’t have life to the fullest if we live under a cloud of condemnation.  We condemn ourselves far more than anyone else ever will.  Knowing the mistakes we’ve made and the regrets we have, berating ourselves becomes a pastime.

But then Jesus came to release us from our torment and set us free.  By forgiving and loving us unconditionally, Jesus brings our dead souls back to life.

Revive in Christ.

Jesus knew the worst sin we would commit in this lifetime, and He still went to the Cross for you and me.  Past, present, and future, Christ knows your story, and He loves you.  God’s Son adores you so much; He died for you.

“but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8 ESV)

Allow the resurrection to resurrect you.  Forgive yourself for past mistakes as Jesus has.  Come back to life in God’s love.  Every breath you take, remember God gave it to you.  The Creator wants you to live life to the fullest. Make peace with your past, learn from it, and move forward. Accept Jesus’ gift of grace and mercy.

At lunch with a friend, I listened to her condemn herself for past transgressions.  I reminded her that those things happened in the past; today, she has the opportunity to make different choices and do other things.

When God gives us fresh mercy each morning, it’s a reset button.  We get to try again at what we didn’t do well yesterday, trusting God will bless our efforts.  Yes, each step comes with challenges, but we overcome them one by one with Jesus.

Live fully today, knowing Jesus loves all of you, past, present, and future.  Nothing you do can make God stop loving you.  Basking in His love will give you life to the fullest.

[i] Strong, J., & Strong, J. (2010). The New Strong’s expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Greek Dictionary of the New Testament (pp.74-5) Thomas Nelson

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