2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 1 Chronicles 5:18-6:81 ESV, Acts 26:1-32 ESV, Psalm 6:1-10 ESV, Proverbs 18:20-21 ESV
Daily Verse: “So Agrippa said to Paul, “You have permission to speak for yourself.” Then Paul stretched out his hand and made his defense:” (Acts 26:1 ESV)
EPITREPO (2010): “as a verb, lit. denotes “to turn to” (epi, “upon, to,” trepo, “to turn”), and so “to permit, give leave, send,” “to entrust,” signifies “to permit,” Acts 26:1.”[i]
Give leave.
Standing in front of King Agrippa, Paul has permission to speak freely. So, Paul does, telling the king his life story. Growing up in Jewish culture, becoming a Pharisee, devout in his beliefs, Paul persecuted and killed followers of “The Way.” But then, one day, an encounter with Jesus on a dusty road changes his life forever.
When someone gives you leave to talk freely about Jesus, take the opportunity to tell your story. Like Paul, share how you came to know Christ. Remember the moment Jesus changed your life forever; recall the feelings of falling in love with Christ.
Permit love.
One of my most complex struggles remains the same, receiving love. My insecurities convince me of my unworthiness of affection. Believing God thought so much of me; He sent Jesus to offer me salvation seems impossible. Yet God did. Jesus paid the price for my sin, creating an unbreakable bond between God and me.
Receive the love God has for you. Allow yourself to accept Jesus’ divine affection. Christ’s calling card reads, “Unconditional love to all who believe and trust in Me.” To receive God’s love, you must believe in its truth. Despite your flaws, Jesus loves you. Every mistake you make or will make, God knows and still loves you.
Once you accept God’s love and tangibly encounter Jesus, you will have a story to tell. Pursuing a relationship with God changes you from the inside out. Your worldview changes when you look at it through the lens of scripture.
You realize quickly, God deems you worthy of love; permit yourself to accept it. Then share what you have found with the world.
[i] Strong, J., & Strong, J. (2010). The New Strong’s expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Greek Dictionary of the New Testament (p. 100) Thomas Nelson