2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 1 Chronicles 2:18-4:4 ESV, Acts 24:1-27 ESV, Psalm 4:1-8 ESV, Proverbs 18:16-18 ESV
Daily Verse: “But, to detain you no further, I beg you in your kindness to hear us briefly.” (Acts 24:4 ESV)
Epielkeia (1932): “This word suggests “sweet reasonableness”, is translated “clemency” in Acts 24:4; elsewhere, in 2 Cor. 10:1, of the gentleness of Christ. It refers to the sort of moderation that recognizes that it is impossible for formal laws to anticipate and provide for all possible cases. It rectifies and redresses the injustices of justice; a correction of the law where law falls short on account of generalities. God remember we are but dust and deals with us accordingly.”[i]
Sweet reasonableness.
Appealing to the good nature of the governor, Tertullus took advantage of the situation to turn the people against Paul. But what man plans for evil, God uses for His benefit. In this case, Paul had the opportunity to share the gospel with all in attendance. Only God knows how Paul’s words impacted those in the crowd.
People taking advantage of others’ sweet reasonableness happens all the time. God blessed me with a kind husband. I must consciously work at not taking advantage of him, and I fail miserably. Naturally, kind people struggle to say no to others and get taken advantage of quickly.
Become kinder.
All of us can become kinder. Protecting others from their weaknesses exemplifies kindness. If you know someone who struggles with saying no, don’t ask. Listen to what others say. Ask God to help you see them through His eyes. When you do, becoming kinder happens naturally.
When we see people through God’s lens, their heartache becomes visible. Instead of seeing them through our eyes, God gives us spiritual sight. Jealousy fades away in the face of pain. No one envies heartache.
And even when we falter, God will bless our effort. Like God maneuvered Paul’s journey in unexpected ways, He does the same for us. Short-sightedness makes us miss the big picture. God’s plan unfolds in crazy ways, and reading Paul’s story exemplifies this fact.
Whichever way God takes you, respond in kindness. Jesus operated with sweet reasonableness to all He met. If we want to imitate the Lord, we must do so with kindness.
[i] Strong, J., & Strong, J. (2010). The New Strong’s expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Greek Dictionary of the New Testament (p. 96) Thomas Nelson