2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Joshua 22:21-23:16 ESV, Luke 20:27-47 ESV, Psalm 89:14-37 ESV, Proverbs 13:17-19 ESV
Daily Verse: “There came to him some Sadducees, those who deny that there is a resurrection,” (Luke 20:27 ESV)
ANASTASIS (386): “Denotes a raising up, or rising; literally, “to cause to stand up on one’s feet again.” Of resurrection from the dead.”[i]
Stand up.
Resurrection, the ability to stand up on one’s feet again, brings us back to life. When Jesus died on the cross, His resurrection overcame death. Taking the first step of faith toward Jesus means accepting His resurrection as true. Christ stood up after dying, defeating death once and for all.
Jesus also helps us get back on our feet each day. When life’s challenges overwhelm us, getting out of bed becomes a mountain to climb. Depression, fear, anxiety all strive to keep us down. But in Christ, we have victory.
Resurrection experience.
Recently, Satan attacked at one of my vulnerable moments. Unkind words took me off guard, causing me to spiral down a negative rabbit hole. Sharing my pain with friends, I received a life-giving text from a sister in Christ, instantly healing my hurting heart.
God worked through my friend to put me back on my feet when one of the devil’s fiery darts brought me to my knees. Every day, Jesus gives us the strength to fight the good fight. He helps us stand tall in God’s armor, resisting the enemies’ attacks.
When life knocks you to your knees, turn to Jesus. Give Him the pain you feel, allow God’s resurrection power to help you stand again.
[i] Strong, J., & Strong, J. (2010). The New Strong’s expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Greek Dictionary of the New Testament (p. 23) Thomas Nelson