2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Deuteronomy 4:1-49 ESV, Luke 6:39-7:10 ESV, Psalm 68:1-18 ESV, Proverbs 11:28 ESV
Daily Verse: “He also told them a parable: “Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit?” (Luke 6:39 ESV)
TUPHLOS (5185): “Used both physically and metaphorically, chiefly in the Gospels. The word is frequently used as a noun, signifying, “a blind man.”[i]
Spiritual blindness.
“You know there’s something there, but there’s not,” an atheist friend said to me one night over dinner. He understands something more exists outside of the physical realm, but he rejects it with no explanation other than consciously choosing not to believe. The spiritual world exists, but the choice to believe belongs to you.
“The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the Lord has made them both.”(Proverbs 20:12 ESV)
Often in life, we can see people heading in the wrong direction, blind to the danger ahead. Understanding talking them out of their desired course will do no good; I have a go-to prayer.
Eyes to see, ears to hear.
Probably my most frequently prayed prayer, “Lord, give them eyes to see and ears to hear Jesus.” Only with divine intervention can people begin to see the spiritual side to life. Jesus taught in parables, wanting us to use our God-given ability to tune in to His words. God opens our eyes to the wonders of not only this world but the spiritual one as well.
Ultimately, our journeys through life on earth differ from one to another, none of us on the same course. Looking at someone else’s life, we may think we know what’s best for them, but we don’t. Only God knows the best roads for us to take. Asking Him for eyes to see and ears to hear not only help us find our way but also assists others on their paths. Without God’s guidance, we will get lost.
When God opens people’s eyes and ears, they see Jesus. Meeting Jesus will introduce them to an eternal world they couldn’t see before. Receiving the grace and mercy Christ offers comes by faith in the unseen. Only when God cures our spiritual blindness can we accept the gift He offers.
Gaze at Jesus today with open eyes. Listen with the Holy Spirit to what He has to say. Live life to the fullest with God, today and always.
[i] Strong, J., & Strong, J. (2010). The New Strong’s expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Greek Dictionary of the New Testament (p. 254) Thomas Nelson