2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Numbers 26:52-28:15 ESV, Luke 3:1-22 ESV, Psalm 61:1-8 ESV, Proverbs 11:16-17 ESV
Daily Verse: “Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall become straight, and the rough places shall become level ways” (Luke 3:5 ESV)
PHARAGX (5327): “Gap or chasm, i.e., ravine (winter-torrent).”[I]
God fills valleys.
John the Baptist, quoting Isaiah, traveled Galilee’s region proclaiming the baptism of forgiveness, preparing the way for Jesus. When kings traveled in the days of John, crews went ahead of them, improving the roads, making the royalties’ trip smoother. In the same fashion, John prepared the moral and spiritual way for Jesus by talking about forgiveness of sin and the need for a Savior.
Jesus creates a level playing field. Everyone can receive the gift of salvation, filling their valleys, leveling the mountains, allowing God to direct their paths which He will make straight. However, not everyone chooses God, following their desires instead, leading to valleys.
Change the heart.
When people asked John what they could do to become better, he told them to share whatever they had, dealing fairly and honestly with others. In other words, they change their hearts, preparing the way for Jesus.
Repentance means sincere regret or remorse. When we follow Jesus, we give Him our regrets in return for His grace and mercy. Whatever valleys we have, Jesus fills, whatever mountains we face, He flattens. God’s love for us paves the way to new life, but first, we must repent and believe.
Trust God has a plan for your life. If you’re in a valley, ask God to fill it, lifting you out of the pit. Whatever mountain you’re facing, walk over it with Jesus. He’ll show you the way. Instead of continuing down the crooked path, follow Jesus as He levels the ground for you, one step at a time.
[i] Strong, J., & Strong, J. (2010). The New Strong’s expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Greek Dictionary of the New Testament (p. 262) Thomas Nelson