2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Numbers 8:1-9:23 ESV, Mark 13:14-37 ESV, Psalm 50:1-23 ESV, Proverbs 10:29-30 ESV
Daily Verse: “From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near.” (Mark 13:28 ESV)
SUKE (4808): “A ‘fig tree’ with leaves must have young fruits already, or it will be barren for the season. The first figs ripen in late May or early June.”[i]
Lessons learned.
When we see the buds begin to appear on trees, accompanied by warm winds and soft rains, we can feel the nearness of summer. Signs God gives us to hold onto for better days ahead; indications of new life give us hope for the future. God’s lessons come in all forms.
Recently, my husband had a busy day on the road driving. I battle anxiety, especially when I hear sirens blaring as I work. Each honk of the horn causes me to pray for those they’re serving, reminding me of the perils of everyday life. Praying my way through the day, working from home, I’m the one who got hurt.
Forgetting my phone in my office, I ran up the stairs to retrieve it. Not thinking, looking at my phone, I missed the last step on the way down, landing on my knee in extreme pain. Instead of paying attention, my multitasking caused me pain.
Grow from the lesson.
Sitting with my husband that evening, I said, “Funny how I worried about you driving, but I’m the one who got hurt. God’s teaching me a lesson.” Ron agreed.
Like God uses the figs to teach us about seasons, He used my fall to teach me about worry. Once again, the statistic that only 8% of what we worry about happens proves true. My anxiety never included injury from a fall. We can’t predict life, but we can trust God and learn from the lessons He teaches us.
Look for God’s lessons in your everyday life. Just as the fig tree indicates summer’s arrival, God’s teachings come in all forms. As we seek God in the dailiness of life, we will find Him. God’s intimacy in our lives reveals itself as we search for Him, seeking to learn all He has to teach.
[i] Strong, J., & Strong, J. (2010). The New Strong’s expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Greek Dictionary of the New Testament (p. 237) Thomas Nelson