2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Leviticus 4:1-5:19 ESV, Mark 2:13-3:6 ESV, Psalm 36:1-12 ESV, Proverbs 10:1-2 ESV
Daily Verse: “And when Jesus heard it, he said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Mark 2:17 ESV)
HAMARTOLOS (268): “From 264 HARMARTANO, “to miss the mark (and so not share in the prize), i.e. fig. to err, mor. to sin.”[I]
Everyone sins
Sinning means missing the mark and not receiving the prize. Sin separates us from God. Jesus unites us with our Creator. Without Jesus, our sins keep us from the ultimate prize, a relationship with God.
My thoughts remain my largest battle; little lies will wiggle their way into my thoughts. My mind goes to the worst-case scenario at an unbelievable speed. When my brain spirals out of control, the process of sinning begins. Our thoughts rule our actions. We must think before we do.
Filling our minds with God’s word allows us to hit the mark. Instead of allowing wayward thoughts to lead us to contrary actions, scripture helps focus. Thinking about God’s promises gives us hope, just what the doctor ordered.
Jesus heals.
Our sinful nature causes us pain. Often the largest hurts we experience start because of our poor decision-making. Facing the reality of those choices requires accepting painful truths. But Jesus travels with us into the hurt. When you reveal the wound, God fills it with love.
Whatever mark you think you missed, God forgives you. The moment you confess, God responds with grace. Each morning begins a new day full of choices waiting for you to make. Choose first to spend time in God’s word get your thoughts started in the right direction. Hit the mark with Jesus.
[i] Strong, J., & Strong, J. (2010). The New Strong’s expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Greek Dictionary of the New Testament (pp 15-6) Thomas Nelson